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Event scenography for a successful event

Photo du rédacteur: Mana ÉvénementsMana Événements


If you want to impress your guests by immersing them in a world, then you need a scenography to match.


Today, we are so stimulated and solicited that your brand or company needs to offer immersive events to leave a lasting impression on guests. At a time when the extraordinary has become the norm, you need to offer something spectacular.


 And that's where Mana Events comes in.


Our playground? Events

Our tool? Scenography

We then use our creativity to suggest themes for your events, in line with the audience of participants, so that everyone can identify with them and experience a unique moment.


The scenography of your event is one of the key elements that will enable your guests to feel completely in tune with the theme of your evening, and it's also what will create that much sought-after "wow" effect. So your event will be one to remember.


So what is scenography?


It's the metamorphosis of a place by recreating a specific universe. It's the technical and artistic process of creating a space. Thanks to scenography, we're able to completely transform a space. If you're interested in the subject, we suggest you read this article to find out more.


The choice of decoration, colors, lighting, costumes, etc. is very important, since these are the elements that will make all the difference and allow guests to travel and change worlds in the space of a few hours.


Set design brings a space to life, transforming it from a cold, empty space into a living place.


It creates a unique, immersive experience for guests, stimulating their five senses and helping to create emotion, enthusiasm and a lasting, magical experience for guests. By using a color palette, design elements and visuals, scenography can help create an overall experience that matches the theme of the event. It reinforces your event's message and, above all, helps your event take shape.


Ultimately, scenography is art.

Our tools will be many and varied.

To begin with, Mana événements is a responsible agency. For several years now, we have been implementing a series of commitments to minimize our impact on the event.

And our commitments do not exclude event scenography.


First of all, instead of choosing a venue and then thinking about the scenography of the theme afterwards, we're going to integrate our theme as soon as we're looking for a venue.

Organizing a 7th art evening in a cinema will be much more responsible (and less costly for the client at the same time - it's a win-win situation!) than organizing it in a winery.


Once we've found a venue that matches our proposal, we'll think about the entire event in terms of this common thread: from the catering proposal, to the decor, to the entertainment and decoration, nothing is left to chance.


Serving the message, not taking precedence over it


Good scenography must be adapted to the message to be conveyed. The clearer the message, the better the set design will target your guests and convey your message.


Be careful, however, not to get carried away by the scenography. Too much is the enemy of a good thing, and the risk would be that your scenography would take precedence over your message, and thus detract from it.


We look forward to talking to you about your future events and set designs!


We look forward to hearing from you!


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